데일리연합 세계 보도망 확충 전 세계 6억 5000만뷰 송출망 확보!

Nexon Korea , Customer Deception, Fair Trade Commission Withdraws 11.6 Billion[Issue_DIG UP)]

  • 등록 2024.01.05 12:17:11

FTC imposes provisional 11.6 billion won in fines among e-commerce law applications
Nexon Korea was sanctioned for online game Sudden Attack in 2018





Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ju-un Journalist | Nexon Korea was fined 11.6 billion won and sanctioned by the Fair Trade Commission on the 3rd.


Nexon Korea was fined 11.6 billion won and sanctioned by the Fair Trade Commission on the 3rd.


This is because Nexon, an online gaming service provider, concealed and falsely informed consumers of the probability of probability-based items sold in Maple Story and Bubble Fighter, which are online PC gaming.


Nexon is the No. 1 online sesame provider in sales, accounting for 2.1554 trillion won in the domestic sesame market as of 2020.


FTC Commission said Nexon was sanctioned by the Fair Trade Commission for false and deceptive acts related to probabilistic items sold by the online game Sudden Attack in 2018.


The FTC's findings also confirmed that the company omitted or falsely informed of the change in probability, which is an important factor in consumers' purchasing choices during the operation of Maple Story and Bubble Fighter Game. So far, I've informed you that the ISU plans have been expanded

주언 기자 invguest@daum.net

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