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Yoon Seong-tae Huons 'Huons Foodion' Manufactured, Ham So-ah Red Ginseng Jeong Children's Lack of Content [Issue_DIG UP)]

  • 등록 2024.01.12 20:23:46

"Huons Foodion" Manufactured, Ham So-ah Red Ginseng Jeong Child... Functional raw material ginsenoside content is not suitable
The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety manufactures Yoon Seong-tae Huons "Huons Food," Ham So-ah Red Ginseng Jeong Child... Seller sales suspension and recall measures


Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ju-un Journalist | On January 5, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety ruled the product unfit and imposed sales suspension and recall measures.


The product subject to recovery is a product with an expiration date of June 9, 2024, and it has a total of 150ml of 10ml×15 pieces.


It has been revealed that the ginsenoside content is insufficient in the children's nutritional brand "Hamsoa Red Ginseng Jeong Children" manufactured and sold at the Huons Food Science Geumsan 3 plant in Geumsan-gun, Yoon Seong-tae's Huons Group.


Ginsenoside is a type of saponin, a functional ingredient in red ginseng.


It helps improve immunity, improve fatigue, improve blood flow and memory by suppressing platelet aggregation, and antioxidants.


The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety said, "Sellers who keep the recovered food should stop selling it and return it to the recovery operator."





주언 기자 invguest@daum.net

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