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Kim Seung-yeon Hanwha Group Hanwha Ocean, another subcontracted worker died in 12 days[Issue_DIG UP]

  • 등록 2024.02.01 19:15:57

The union said, "Hanwha Ocean can't even manage basic safety."
Kim Seungyeon Hanwha Group Hanwha Ocean does not know ESG safety management
Hanwha Ocean, two serious accidents occurred 12 days after the death of a 28-year-old worker



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ju-un Journalist | Hanwha Ocean's Okpo shipyard in South Gyeongsang Province has seen two major disasters this month alone, killing workers.


The 28-year-old subcontract workers died in the 12th that the 8th old subcontract workers died due to explosion accident.


At 4:15 p.m. on January 24, 2024, at Hanwha Ocean Okpo Shipyard, a subcontractor worker in his 30s was found unconscious while removing foreign substances attached to the hull by diving.

He was transferred to the emergency room at a nearby hospital


Hanwha Ocean suspended production at Okpo Shipyard from 8 a.m. to 12 a.m. on the 25th, saying that it will provide special safety and health education to eradicate serious accidents due to fatal accidents on the 24th.


As many as six workers have died at Hanwha Ocean since the enforcement of the Serious Disaster Penalty Act on January 27, 2023, until January 2024.


주언 기자 invguest@daum.net

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