Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ju-un Journalist | SPC is known to have provided 6 million won worth of entertainment to prosecution investigator Kim and handed over seizure and search information and internal reports from the investigation team to SPC, which is shocking.
According to a JTBC report on February 2, 2024, the prosecution requested an arrest warrant for Kim, a prosecution investigator, for receiving 6 million won worth of entertainment and sending a search and seizure plan and internal report to SPC executives.
In addition, SPC executive director Baek was also charged with receiving investigation secrets from investigators Kim and providing entertainment.
The prosecution is known to have caught the situation in which SPC tried to conduct a rehearsal by referring to the internal report received in advance from the prosecution investigator Kim.
Based on the prosecution's internal report, SPC CEO Hwang Jae-bok is said to have caught the situation of preparing for the prosecution's investigation.