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Kakao Mobility Committed Allegations of Fraudulent Accounting... How far will the Financial Supervisory Service Sanctions go?[IssueDIG UP]

  • 등록 2024.02.27 14:16:02

Kakao Mobility Committed Allegations of Fraudulent Accounting
Send a preliminary notice of action on the 22nd after the Financial Supervisory Service supervision



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ju-un Journalist | Kakao Mobility committed fraudulent accounting for violating the External Audit Act, and the FSS sent a preliminary notice of action after supervision on the 22nd, drawing keen attention to how far the level and scope of sanctions against Kakao Mobility will reach.


In addition, there is an unfavorable view that the controversy over Kakao Mobility's sales volume is forming a structure to increase corporate value ahead of its IPO.


The FSS is known to have applied the highest standard of "Intentional Phase 1" to Kakao Mobility, imposing fines, recommending the dismissal of the CEO, and even filing prosecution charges, saying that the amount of fraudulent accounting is large and that it is intentional.


The FSS actions were found to apply fines and prosecution charges to Kakao Mobility Corporation, and CEO Ryu Geung-sun and former chief financial officer Lee Chang-min to recommend dismissal, six-month suspension of their duties, and prosecution charges.

주언 기자 invguest@daum.net

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