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Samchully Bicycle Chairman Kim Seok-hwan Investigates Police on Allegedly Raising slush funds

  • 등록 2024.03.08 20:11:37

Samchully Bicycle, Seoul Headquarters, Uiwang Factory, and Affiliate Search
One Samchully Bicycle Executive Is Investigating On Similar Charges



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ju-un Journalist |  Chairman Kim Seok-hwan of Samchully Bicycle is reportedly investigating on charges of professional breach of trust and embezzlement by the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency's financial crime investigation team.


Chairman Kim is known to be accused of embezzlement worth 10 billion won and breach of trust worth 20 billion won.


Chairman Kim Seok-hwan is under investigation for creating a slush fund by vowing to give bonuses to employees.


It is also investigating allegations of manipulating stock prices by transferring sales when a separate listing for Verygoodtour Co., Ltd.


In September last year, Samcheon-ri, Seoul's factory, and affiliated factories and affiliates.


As a result, interest in the company's business situation is increasing,


The police said they are investigating not only Chairman Kim Seok-hwan but also an executive of Samchully Bicycle on similar charges.

주언 기자 invguest@daum.net

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