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Hyundai Motor, Recall of design and manufacturing defects.. A total of 36,260 vehicles were recalled[IssueDIG UP]

  • 등록 2024.03.14 16:42:11

Hyundai Motor (Chairman Chung Euisun) Has Frequent Safety Defects… "ESG Management Failure Due to Lack of Owner Leadership"
36,260 vehicles recalled, including Hyundai's Porter 2, EQ900, G80, and G70



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ju-un Journalist | Recently, it was reported that Hyundai Motor will recall a total of 36,260 vehicles after design and manufacturing defects were found in four models, including the Porter 2, EQ900, G80, and G70.


Design and manufacturing defects found in four models, including Hyundai Motor's Porter 2, EQ900, G80, and G70


The recall cases were confirmed to be due to defects such as Hyundai's lack of durability of engine oil supply pipes and poor design of engine-driven belt tension control devices.


What is more unusual, however, is that Hyundai is being criticized as an example of ESG  management failure through the recall.


As investors become more sensitive to ESG, companies need to check their responsibilities for customer safety as well as the environment.


However, in the case of Hyundai Motor, it is pointed out that despite the increase in the frequency of safety defects, Hyundai Chairman Chung Eui-sun's owner leadership to prevent and respond to them was not clear.


In the automobile industry, it is required to disclose and correct defects in accordance with Article 31-2 of the Automobile Management Act.


However, in the case of Hyundai Motor, there is criticism that despite the continuous occurrence of these defects due to the lack of owner leadership, active and responsible responses have not been made.

주언 기자 invguest@daum.net

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