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SPC CEO Hwang Jae-bok arrested on charges of violating labor law... Suspicion of bribery and transaction of investigative information[IssueDIG UP]

  • 등록 2024.03.15 23:02:33

labor law violations due to the union's coercion of bakers
Allegations of bribery and alleged transactions of investigative information



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ju-un Journalist |  On the 4th, the Seoul Central District Court issued an arrest warrant for SPC CEO Hwang Jae-bok on charges of violating the Labor Union and Labor Relations Adjustment Act and offering bribes.


As a result, Hwang was arrested for fear of destroying evidence.


According to the prosecution, Hwang Jae-bok forced members of the Paris Baguette branch of the Hwaseom Food Union from PB Partners, a subsidiary of SPC Group, to withdraw from the union,


He is accused of unfair labor practices that disadvantage union members who do not comply.


Accordingly, the prosecution plans to secure additional recruits during Hwang's arrest period and investigate whether the superiors, including Chairman Heo Young-in, intervened in his crime.


More facts are expected to be revealed in future investigations. 

주언 기자 invguest@daum.net

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