데일리연합 세계 보도망 확충 전 세계 6억 5000만뷰 송출망 확보!

Search for the seizure of SK Geocentric's headquarters and Ulsan plant... Investigation into the deaths of two workers[IssueDIG UP]

  • 등록 2024.03.28 20:38:56

investigation of the violation of the Financial Supervisory Service
controversy over subsequent measures




Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ju-un Journalist | SK Geocentric's Seoul headquarters and Ulsan plant were caught up in the prosecution's raid.


The Ulsan District Prosecutors' Office mobilized about 10 investigators from 9 a.m. on the 21st,


The Seoul headquarters and the Ulsan plant safety department conducted a search and seizure.


The search and seizure is related to a serious disaster at SK Geocentric Ulsan plant in Nam-gu, Ulsan, on April 21, 2022.


At that time, a fire broke out at the Ulsan plant during the maintenance of the oil storage tank, and two workers from the partner company were taken to the hospital with burns, but eventually died.


The prosecution is investigating whether the company properly appointed a chief safety officer and faithfully fulfilled its safety-related obligations through this search and seizure.


In addition, the prosecution said it will thoroughly investigate the case by applying charges of violating the Serious Disaster Punishment Act.

주언 기자 invguest@daum.net

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