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Jung Yongwon KG Mobility, an expression of resignation over allegations of embezzlement[IssueDIG UP]

  • 등록 2024.04.02 19:51:37

KG Mobility, which is embroiled in a police investigation, the decision of the representative to resign
Shade of embezzlement allegations, what is the future of Cage Mobility?



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ju-un Journalist | On the 21st, Jung Yong-won, CEO of KG Mobility, who has been embroiled in a police investigation into alleged embezzlement, offered to resign.


According to auto industry officials, Chung conveyed to the company his intention to resign from his position as CEO and registered director, taking moral responsibility for the police's search and seizure of the Pyeongtaek headquarters.


However, CEO Chung said he will continue to carry out ongoing work, such as new car development.


Currently, the police are investigating four executives and employees, including CEO Chung, on charges of embezzlement on the job, and the police believe the amount of embezzlement is considerable.


In response, KGM claims that the allegations are related to individual cheating that occurred during Ssangyong Motor's days from 2016 to 2018.

주언 기자 invguest@daum.net

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