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GS E&C, Death of a worker in his 60s at the construction site of Jai River Park at Naju Station[IssueDIG UP]

  • 등록 2024.04.11 19:08:50

High number of defect judgments in the last 5 years, GS E&C continuous construction site accidents demand review of industrial safety measures
GS E&C (CEO Heo Yoonhong) faces owner risk due to a crash that occurred even though there was no safety device abnormality



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ju-un Journalist |  An accident occurred in which a construction worker in his 60s fell and died at the construction site of a Jai River Park apartment in Naju Station, Jeollanam-do, located in Songwol-dong, Naju, Jeollanam-do, which is constructed by GS E&C


On the 2nd, around 9:25 a.m., it was reported that a tragic accident occurred at the construction site where GS Engineering & Construction is in charge of construction.


The accident occurred 10 stories high in a high-rise apartment.


The victim was found under a construction lift "hoist" installed on the outer wall of the apartment, and was taken to hospital in cardiac arrest but eventually died.


In response to the accident, the police are investigating the specific details of the accident for field officials and others.


In addition, the Ministry of Employment and Labor dispatched a labor inspector to the site to check the details of the accident,


It is also known that investigations are underway to determine whether the Industrial Safety and Health Act and the Act on the Punishment of Serious Disasters are violated. Issue Dig Up

주언 기자 invguest@daum.net

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