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Hanssem, Persis, Enex, FTC Sanctions for Overuse of Dealers... Initial Sanctions for Infringement of Dealers' Profits[IssueDIG UP]

  • 등록 2024.04.19 14:58:18

FTC, It's meaningful as the first case of sanctions on agency infringement
Persis fails to pay sales incentives if it fails to pay for goods
Enex Coercises Sales Target... Penalties for Non-fulfillment



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ju-un Journalist | Three of Korea's famous furniture companies, Hanssem, Persis, and Enex, have been sanctioned by the Fair Trade Commission for their overuse of agency power.


The FTC said it has decided to impose corrective orders on three households for violating the "Act on Fairness of Agency Transactions" (hereinafter referred to as the "Act on Agency Act") by digging up trade secrets without paying sales incentives properly while dealing with agencies.


In particular, the FTC said this is the first case of sanctioning furniture manufacturers for violating agency profits by unfairly using their trading position since the enactment of the agency law,


In the future, he said he will more thoroughly regulate the behavior of overuse of agency power. 

주언 기자 invguest@daum.net

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