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Hanwha E&C (CEO Kim Seung-mo), Workers died at the construction site of the 'Cheongju Maebong Forena' apartment building[DIG UP]

  • 등록 2024.04.26 11:52:00

Workers' lives, where is the safety of the site? A major accident during the construction of the "Forena" apartment building
Hanwha E&C (CEO Kim Seung-mo) 'Cheongju Maebong Forena' apartment site accident area, safety management sub-system



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ju-un Journalist | A death occurred at the construction site of Hanwha Engineering & Construction's "Cheongju Maebong Forena" apartment building.


The accident occurred when a steel mold, which was being raised by a tower crane, fell, when A (47), a subcontractor, was hit by a falling gangform and died.


On the 16th, the death accident occurred three days after Hanwha Engineering & Construction (CEO Kim Seung-mo) announced that it would carry out the "3.3.3 Safety Campaign" throughout the year with the aim of eradicating serious disasters and reducing safety accidents.


The "Cheongju Maebong Forena" apartment, where the accident occurred, is a large-scale complex with a total of 1849 households and is known to make its debut in Cheongju as Hanwha E&C's "Forena" brand.



Through this accident, Hanwha Engineering & Construction requires deep reflection and reflection on how corporate social responsibility and CEO Kim Seung-mo's ESG management mindset should actually be applied to the field.


An official from Hanwha's construction division said, "The investigation by the police and related departments is currently underway after the suspension of the site due to the accident."




주언 기자 invguest@daum.net

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