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Kumho Tire, A worker died in a series of accidents at the Gokseong plant...

  • 등록 2024.05.02 14:29:18

CEO Jeong Iltaek , "ESG Management Safety Management Efforts" Is it working?
a repetitive factory accident of workers



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ju-un Journalist | On the 29th, a worker in his 50s died after being caught in a plastic surgery machine at Kumho Tire's Gokseong plant.

According to Gokseong Police Station, A was found by a colleague around 5 p.m. and taken to a hospital, but eventually lost his life.


In addition, these frequent accidents are repeated even when Kumho Tire is subject to the Serious Disaster Punishment Act, raising doubts about safety management


In fact, Kumho Tire's Gokseong plant also had an accident in September 2022 in which workers' arms were cut off due to negligence in safety management.


In addition, a woman in her 60s who worked at the same factory for a long time was diagnosed with lung cancer and recently applied for an industrial accident.


On the 10th, a worker was caught in a machine and killed at a Kumho Tire plant in Macon City, Georgia, USA.


It is time for Kumho Tire, which received an AA rating in ESG evaluation, to move beyond simply being rated and to ensure practical safety and health of its workers.

Issue Dig Up /seoul = invguest@itimes.co.kr


주언 기자 invguest@itimes.co.kr

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