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CEO of SeahBesteel Kim Chulhee Request for an arrest warrant

  • 등록 2024.05.15 15:53:44

Please trust me, CEO Kim Chulhee's words, "Gongyumbul...""The Workplace of Death" Seahbesteel
CEO Kim Chulhee of Seah Besteel, Arrest warrants... 5 dead after enforcement of the Punishment Act




Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ryu seungwoo Journalist | Seahbesteel, which has recently been at the center of controversy due to a series of serious disasters, is again under social criticism.


Due to safety accidents that have lasted for the past three years, the prosecution has sought an arrest warrant for the company's CEO Kim Chul-hee and other executives, the Gunsan branch of the Jeonju District Prosecutors' Office said.


This is because Seahbesteel has repeatedly suffered disasters due to reduction in subcontracting costs and insensitivity to safety, ignoring corporate social responsibility and ESG management for charges of violating the Serious Disaster Punishment Act.


Representative Kim publicly vowed at the National Assembly's Environment and Labor Committee's parliamentary audit in October 2022, saying, "We will try to ensure that all workers can work in a safe and healthy environment.“


However, this promise of Kim's representative Kim's promise. Since the first law, the safety management department is clear, such as five workers died in three years after the implementation law.


Seahbesteel was killed in a forklift accident loaded with cheonggang products on May 4, 2022, and on September 8 of the same year, there was a death due to a jamming accident.



In March 2022, a tragedy occurred in which two workers who were cleaning the combustion tower were burned to death. In addition, last month, one subcontract worker died during pipe cutting.


The incident shows how serious consequences can be for the absence of responsible management by corporate owners and management.


In particular, CEO Kim failed to come up with fundamental safety measures even after the previous accident,


Rather than preventing the recurrence of accidents, it was urgent to take a temporary measure to pass on the problem to subcontractors.


The prosecution said, "There is a very high risk of recurrence of serious disaster cases in Seahbesteel," adding that it will continue to cooperate with the Employment and Labor Administration to respond strictly according to evidence and legal principles.


This is to protect the lives and safety of workers and to emphasize the fulfillment of corporate social responsibilities.



Industry experts point out that this should be a significant business turning point for Seahbesteel.


For the sustainable growth of companies and the restoration of social trust, strengthening the fundamental safety management system and authentic ESG management are essential.


It is hoped that this major disaster will serve as an opportunity to raise alarm not only for Seahbesteel but also for the entire domestic industry.

류승우 기자 invguest@itimesm.com

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