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MG, Suspicions of defrauding 110 billion items for public sale due to internal collusion

  • 등록 2024.05.31 19:24:07

MG, Suspicion of involvement in public sale defraudation by 21 branch lenders
Let's government decided to buy a purchase of the sale of the sale of the sale of the sale, and the relevant recording of the relevant recording



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ryu seungwoo Journalist | Suspicions have been raised that a group of MG's branches, which caused great controversy due to the bank run scandal last year, tried to defraud the property worth 110 billion won through internal collusion, which is expected to have a ripple effect.


According to a report obtained by iTimesM, a large group of 21 Saemaul Geumgo branches in Busan, including Daeyeon 6-dong Saemaul Geumgo, refused to cancel the sale of the stock because of the loss of the due profit, and plotted an internal collusion to hand over the property by designating a buyer in advance. 


The informant said, "At the meeting of the main delegation, an official of MG in Choeup-dong said, "The buyer is ready and has already received a letter of intent to bid."


The bank presidents and executives of the MG Central Association could not have known about the matter, he said. "We need to quickly clarify whether the executives of the Central Association will intervene and their position.“ Issue Dig Up


In particular, the internal unity of the chairman and executives of Daeyeon 6-dong and Choeup-dong MG, which are at the center of collusion, should also be thoroughly investigated.


In a situation where the public and private sectors are working together to overcome the real estate PF crisis, if there was an illegal act in MG, it is expected to have a big impact on the financial industry as there is a problem with MG's internal soundness and management ethics.

/seoul = Ryu seungwoo Journalist / invguest@itimesm.com




류승우 기자 invguest@itimesm.com

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