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Coupang CLS, continuous gossip... One year after responsible management, "I'm reeling." [ SNSTV, SNSJTV ]

  • 등록 2024.06.04 18:19:15

Coupang dismisses, "If malicious false information is distributed, we will respond in court."
Coupang CLS raises 'cutting board' of ethical management after one year of responsible management



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ryu seungwoo Journalist | Coupang's responsible management, announced in May last year, is facing a crisis as Coupang Logistics Services is under fire for manipulating the district bidding system, receiving sexual hospitality and bribery.


On January 10, the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions' courier union held a press conference in front of Coupang's headquarters on manipulating the Coupang bidding system,


He condemned Coupang's cheating and called for a thorough investigation, cleansing, and the abolition of the open bidding system.


The courier union claims that it has detected the situation that the delivery area was unfairly allocated by providing bribes and sexual hospitality to Coupang CLS managers to win a bid for the area at the Coupang CLS Gyeonggi-do's detailed agency.


According to a Coupang official, "Coupang CLS quickly investigated related employees on the report and took strict measures," adding, "We will also take appropriate measures depending on the results." Issue Dig Up


류승우 기자 invguest@itimesm.com

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