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The church house belongs to the pastor? the endless fall of the Full Gospel Church

  • 등록 2024.06.17 18:51:11

It's private possession of the church house pastor, the members of the church raise suspicions
unconventional decisions of church leadership, Christians "Application for suspension of court resolution"
suspicions of real estate tax evasion, the police investigation
Fraud, obstruction of business, and property damage are being filed



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ryu seungwoo Journalist | Recently, the police launched an investigation after a case in which the residence of the Full Gospel Gangnam Church, a member of the Full Gospel Church in Gangnam, was transferred to the personal possession of Pastor Choi Myung-woo of Jesus Wish Church.


Pastor Choi Myung-woo of the Full Gospel Jesus Wish Church is suspected of converting his church house to private ownership,


The church members applied to the court to suspend the resolution and were accepted.


Police are investigating three pastors from the Full Gospel Gangnam Church, including Pastor Choi, on charges of breach of duty under the Specific Economic Crime Act.


The church members are raising suspicions of corruption and demanding a thorough investigation.


The incident is a case that reveals corruption and structural problems of church leadership beyond church property issues, and is expected to have a big impact on the Christian community. Issue Dig Up.

류승우 기자 invguest@daum.net

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