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계룡건설) Gyeryong Construction, One worker died at the Mapo construction site, Recurring back-to-back casualties...[ SNSTV, SNSJTV ]

  • 등록 2024.06.20 17:27:51

Working on adjusting the cover of the opening of subcontracted workers, Get hit by a fallen cover and die
Using a steel plate that does not conform to the opening cover specification, Violation of the prohibition of simultaneous up-and-down operations
Gyeryong Construction's poor on-site management has repeatedly caused backward deaths
Ministry of Employment and Labor, Initiation of investigation into violation of the Act on Punishment of Serious Disaster



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ryu seungwoo Journalist | A disastrous human accident occurred at the construction site of cultural space creation in Mapo-gu, Seoul, which is under construction by Gyeryong Construction Industry.


In this accident, 50 subcontractors died in this accident.



At the time of the accident, A was known to lose his life on the first floor of the ground.


Criticism is mounting that this tragedy is the result of poor field management and insensitivity to safety.


Industry officials estimate that this accident is due to the use of opening cover and specification regulations that do not fit in the same case.



This once again clearly shows how lax Gyeryong Construction's safety management is.


It is shocking that even basic safety rules were not followed at the scene of the accident. 

/seoul = Ryu seungwoo Journalist.  invguest@itimesm.com

류승우 기자 invguest@itimesm.com

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