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Hanwha Ocean(한화오션), 3 major disasters in a year… Fatal stigma on the owner's leadership of Vice Chairman Kwon Hyuk-woong

  • 등록 2024.06.24 20:12:24

Kwon Hyuk-woong, CEO of Hanwha Ocean, is accused of violating the Serious Disaster Act
Gyeongnam Branch of Korean Metal Workers' Union Accuses Hanwha Ocean of Successive Deaths
"Refusing to propose a labor-management discussion body" criticizes labor
Hanwha Ocean(한화오션) "increases investment in safety" refutation



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ryu seungwoo Journalist | Hanwha Ocean has been accused of violating the Serious Disaster Act due to three deaths in the past year


In January, two people were hiding in the gas explosion and submarine accident.Accordingly, the National Democratic Labor Union held a press conference that requires special supervisory supervisory and charge of punishment.


The Gyeongnam branch of the Korean Metal Workers' Union filed a complaint with the Changwon branch of the Ministry of Employment and Labor, claiming that Hanwha Ocean neglected its duty to secure safety and health.


According to the labor community, the Gyeongnam branch of the Korean Metal Workers' Union filed a complaint against Hanwha Ocean on the 17th and criticized the company for not establishing a safety management system.

류승우 기자 invguest@itimesm.com

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