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디올 Dior, who printed luxurybags through labor exploitation, left behind ethical management? [ SNSTV, SNSJTV ]

  • 등록 2024.06.27 17:17:20

Italian court in Milan finds illegal labor exploitation in Dior handbag production process
디올 Dior, 3 million won luxury bag "cost 80,000 won", controversy over price
There's also a voice for the Dior boycott...



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ryu seungwoo Journalist | The famous French luxury brand Christian Dior is known to have created a luxury bag through labor exploitation, which is a big controversy.


According to a Milan court, subcontractor workers have suffered from long hours of work and poor working conditions in the process of producing Christian Dior handbags.


In particular, it turned out to be a shocking fact that some workers had to sleep in the workshop and devote 24 hours to producing bags.


The cost of the luxury bag is only 80,000 won, but it is known to be sold to consumers for 3.84 million won, sparking controversy.


There are growing calls among consumers for such pricing to be an obvious deception, with some even declaring a product boycott.


Dior's parent company, Louis Vuitton Moe Hennessy, said on its website that it had specified that its suppliers would abide by ethical principles, but the reality was different from its commitment.


The incident is expected to seriously hurt Dior's brand image, and it is expected to spread the perception that consumers no longer rely solely on brand reputation, but have to make purchase decisions that take into account the production process and ethical responsibility of their products.


Meanwhile, 'Christian Dior Couture Korea' continued its sales growth with sales of KRW 1.456 trillion last year, but donations as social contribution activities were reported to be only KRW 19.2 million.


류승우 기자 invguest@itimesm.com

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