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[Exclusive] 순복음예수소망교회 Pastor A of the Full Jesus Hope Full Gospel Church, accused of property damage and illegal intrusion

  • 등록 2024.07.01 15:45:58

The pastor of Jesus Hope Full Gospel Church is charged with obstruction of work
Organization A announces legal dispute over "Church broke space use contract" inventory
Seobu Police Station in Seoul filed a complaint



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ryu seungwoo Journalist | Pastor Choi Myung-woo of the Jesus Hope Full Gospel Church, a member of the Full Gospel Church in Gangnam, Seoul, has been sued by a group for property damage, illegal intrusion, and obstruction of business.


This case is a conflict between the church and A organization over the space business contract, and the legal dispute has recently been reignited due to the re-stocking.



The head of the organization A, who sued Pastor Choi, said, "Jesus Hope Full Gospel Church, including Pastor Choi and Chief B, violated the space usage contract between them (with organization A) and changed the password of the space arbitrarily,


The case has been filed with the criminal department of the Seobu Police Station in Seoul. The deadline for handling the case is September 27, 2024.


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