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Geumgang Housing Violates Recurring Subcontracting Law... "It's already the third time."

  • 등록 2024.07.10 10:16:44

FTC, Discovering unfair subcontracting practices in Geumgang Housing
The third violation of the subcontracting law after 2007 and 2018 was 'discovered again'



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ryu seungwoo Journalist | The FTC inserted 17 unfair special agreements into the subcontracts by Geumgang Housing to detect contracts with unfavorable conditions for subcontractors and issued corrective orders.


It is the third violation of the subcontracting law of Geumgang Housing after 2007 and 2018, and some criticize that Geumgang Housing is habitually engaging in illegal activities.


This violation includes various unfair special agreements that infringe on the interests of the subcontractor,


The FTC found that this behavior adversely affected the management of subcontractors and hindered fair competition.


In the future, the FTC plans to continuously monitor whether Geumgang Housing is implementing corrective measures and strengthen its crackdown on violations of subcontracting laws. Issue Dig Up.

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