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광암건설 Gwangam Construction Co., Ltd. accused of ignoring the order to pay subcontract payments, saying, "I can't give you money.“ [이슈기획_확파 DIG UP ] SNSJTV SNSTV 광암건설

  • 등록 2024.07.19 19:31:58

FTC, Measures to file a complaint with Gwangam Construction and CEO's prosecution



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ryu seungwoo Journalist | A construction company that ignored the subcontract payment order has been accused by the prosecution.


The FTC said that the construction company Gwangam Construction received an order to pay and delay interest from the Fair Trade Commission for not paying for the panel construction during the construction of the officetel, but failed to comply with it and filed a complaint with the prosecution.


An FTC official said, "The CEO of Gwangan Construction complained that he was unable to pay the subcontract due to lack of funds, but he did not reveal any promises or plans for the payment measures, so he filed a complaint with the prosecution.“


Amid the increasing number of unfair trade such as subcontracting by the construction industry,


The FTC said it plans to continue to strictly deal with unfair subcontracting practices in the future. 

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