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마사회 "The No. 1 wage arrears announced by the Ministry of Labor... The former operator of Winnie World related to Korea Racing Authority" [이슈기획_확파 DIG UP ] SNSJTV SNSTV 위니월드

  • 등록 2024.07.26 16:22:40

"When did you watch the first place where you watched the number 1st place?“
"After poor operation, the Korea Racing Authority-Winney World lawsuit was held until the second trial... We lost 'Winnie World'."



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ryu seungwoo Journalist |  The list of wage delinquent employers for 2024 released by the Ministry of Employment and Labor last month. The amount of unpaid wages for the highest paid employer is over 1 billion won.


Winnie World, a business owner who delayed 1 billion won in wages, is a consignment company that operated a theme park in Gwacheon Horse Racing Park from Korea Racing Authority a few years ago.


At that time, it was a company that had conflicts with Korea Racing Authority due to serious business difficulties and responsibility for overdue wages.


The problem is workers' wages. This is because there are still about 1 billion won of wages left.


Experts said, "The fact that the issue of overdue wages is not being resolved is that workers' suffering continues," adding, "We need public continuous monitoring of the incident and the attention and efforts of related companies to take social responsibility." Issue Dig Up.

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