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[Exclusive]워너비그룹 Illegal Multistage Wannabe Group Continues 'Secret Meeting' Despite FTC Sanctions [이슈기획_확파 DIG UP ] SNSJTV SNSTV

  • 등록 2024.08.02 15:35:20

Wannabe data, even after the suspension of the Fair Trade Commission
Promoting a new item PURIM through a secret meeting?
Chairman Jeon Young-chul protested, saying, "The Fair Trade Commission is at fault, there is no problem."
Solidarity of Victims Urges Former Chairman to Investigate Arrests
FTC, Concerns over 2-3rd victimization, strengthening monitoring



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ryu seungwoo Journalist |  Wannabe Group, which has been under fire for illegal multi-level fraud, is still holding secret meetings such as investment-related meetings even after the FTC sanctioned it.



An Internet community that accuses financial crimes, including investment fraud, recently posted a message saying that "Wannabe Group held a new investment-related business briefing session" and "Posters related to gatherings that appear to have been distributed by Wannabe Group.“


According to the post, Chairman Jeon Young-chul told officials through a messenger, "It seems that the prosecution rejected the warrant while promoting the new investment item PURIM.



According to the community post, the Wannabe Group-related group chat room was also seen strengthening internal solidarity as officials criticized the FTC and the media.


Meanwhile, the Fair Trade Commission is distributing related data to prevent additional damage, and are preparing for response to prevent additional damage. Issue Dig Up.

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