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포스코이앤씨 POSCO E&C, Death at the apartment construction site... [이슈기획_확파 DIG UP ] SNSJTV SNSTV 포스코이앤씨 , 포스코

  • 등록 2024.08.16 16:32:48

Zero major disasters, target crisis... Safety Management Leadership Test Table
It was recorded as the first death since Jeon Joong-sun took office



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ryu seungwoo Journalist | The Ministry of Employment and Labor said a subcontractor in his 20s was electrocuted at POSCO E&C's new apartment construction site in Gangdong-gu, Seoul.


The Ministry of Employment and Labor is investigating whether it violates the Serious Accident Punishment Act,


This is recorded as the first death accident since Jeon Joong-sun took office.


POSCO E&C had suffered a big blow to its management leadership due to the serious disaster problem even when it was former CEO Han Sung-hee.


When Han Sung-hee was the former CEO, management leadership was hit hard by the serious disaster


This accident poses a great threat to POSCO E&C's target of zero major disasters this year,


It is expected to be a test for the safety management leadership of CEO Jeon Joong-sun and CSO Jung Won-woo 

Ryu seungwoo 기자 invguest@itimesm.com

데일리연합 | 등록번호 : 서울 아02173 | 등록일 2008년 7월 17일 | 대표전화 : 1661-8995 사무소 : 서울시 강남구 봉은사로 620번지, 유진빌딩 3층 | 발행인 : (주)데일리엠미디어 김용두 공식채널 SNSJTV (유투브,인스타그램 총 338만 구독.팔로워) | (주)아이타임즈미디어 김용두 월간 한국뉴스 회장, CEO : 이성용 | COO : 문순진 | 주)한국미디어그룹 | 사업자번호 873-81-02031 | 충북 청주시 흥덕구 풍년로 148, 7층(가경동) 모든 컨텐츠와 기사는 저작권법의 보호를 받으며, 무단 복제 및 복사 배포를 금합니다.