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삼표그룹 Sampyo Group, Successive Fair Trade Violations Found...Hurt ESG Management

  • 등록 2024.08.17 13:06:18

삼표그룹 Sampyo Group's ESG management is criticized as "ESG washing."
FTC, Impairs fair competition and has a negative impact on public safety



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ryu seungwoo Journalist | Sampyo Group has been sanctioned by the Fair Trade Commission twice this year for violating fair trade, seriously hurting ESG management reliability.


In May and August, Sampyo Industrial and Sampyo Railways were caught for unfair support and abuse of market-dominant status, respectively,


The FTC pointed out that these actions undermined fair competition and negatively affected public safety.


Some have criticized that Sampyo Group's ESG management is "ESG washing." It is pointed out that the recent announcement by Sampyo Group emphasizing ESG management contradicts the behavior caught.


ESG washing refers to the management behavior of a company that uses ESG as a show of 'blindingly'.


An ESG expert said, "Greenwashing and ESG washing have recently emerged as hot topics in the ESG field.


Although companies do ESG due to regulations or investments, they often do it in a way that deceives their eyes, and in the background, they do unfair activities to take care of profits.


"I can't say that, but if you practice ethical management in one area and don't do it in another, it can be seen as ESG washing," he said, stressing that businessmen should install ethics and that public and civil society should continue to play the role of surveillance.

Ryu seungwoo 기자 invguest@itimesm.com

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