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포스코이앤씨 POSCO E&C, 3 Deaths After Enforcement of the Serious Disaster Act... [ SNSTV, SNSJTV ]

  • 등록 2024.08.21 11:17:05

Representative Jeon Jung-seon, The first death since taking office is under investigation for violation of the Serious Disaster Act



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ryu seungwoo Journalist |  On the 12th, there are growing calls for strengthening the safety-first culture in the industry after an accident in which a subcontractor in his 20s was electrocuted at an apartment construction site in POSCO E&C.


The accident is the first death since Jeon Jung-sun took office in February, and police are investigating whether it violates the Serious Accident Punishment Act.


During his inauguration, Jeon promised sustainable construction at the ESG level, including "zero major disasters, safety-first management," but the accident once again revealed problems with the safety management system.


As a result, there is a growing voice in the industry that safety measures need to be reorganized and cultural changed.


POSCO E&C said it will do its best to deal with accidents and come up with measures to prevent recurrence, but the industry is demanding more fundamental safety management measures that can actually prevent accidents.


On the other hand, some politicians are calling for the enactment of a special construction safety law that strengthens punishment beyond the serious disaster law.


The Progressive Party held a press conference on the accident on the 16th and urged the enactment of a "special construction safety law" that reflects the specificity of the construction industry.



류승우 기자 invguest@daum.net

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