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금호타이어 Kumho Tire, Four deaths within five months, [ SNSTV, SNSJTV ] 금호그룹 금호타이어 금호

  • 등록 2024.08.25 09:16:59

Safety Management of safety management, which was revealed as an external company employee
금호 Kumho Tire, 4 deaths in 5 months,
금호타이어 Kumho Tire, the importance of responsibility management in charge of responsibility management



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ryu seungwoo Journalist | At around 12 o'clock on the 19th, an outsourcing company employee, A in his 60s, was electrocuted by a facility with high-voltage power in the distribution room of Kumho Tire's Gwangju plant in Sochon-dong, Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju.


It is reported that four deaths have occurred in succession at Kumho Tire's domestic and foreign operations in the past five months.


A was taken to a nearby hospital by paramedics, but died.


Mr. A, who was working with a number of colleagues, reportedly received safety training before being put into the field.

The police plan to find out the exact cause of the accident and criminally charge the person in charge if the negligence is revealed.


The Labor Party also plans to order the site to stop work and examine whether it violates the law on punishment for serious accidents.


Labor circles point out that a series of deaths at Kumho Tire's workplace are "a serious disaster caused by a lack of safety and health management systems."


■ 아이타임즈M 이슈보도탐사팀 제보하기

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