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대우건설 Daewoo E&C, The 4th death of this year... Fundamental safety system reform is urgently needed

  • 등록 2024.09.02 16:07:50

A worker dies at the construction site of an apartment building in Incheon... 4th death this year
Daewoo E&C, Record the highest number of deaths in the construction industry between 2017 and 2021



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ryu seungwoo Journalist | Daewoo E&C, a general construction company Another death occurred at the construction site.


On the 27th, according to the Ministry of Employment and Labor, a worker died after being hit by an excavator at an apartment construction site in Seo-gu, Incheon.


The accident killed four workers at Daewoo E&C's construction site alone this year.


As deaths continue, some point out that Daewoo E&C's fundamental safety management system should be reformed.


Daewoo E&C recorded the most deaths in the construction industry from 2017 to 2021, and has been constantly criticized for poor safety management.



Since the enforcement of the Serious Accident Punishment Act, Daewoo E&C has come up with measures such as increasing the safety budget and expanding on-site inspections, but deaths continue. In 2023, due to frequent accidents, he received intensive supervision from the Ministry of Labor along with Hyundai E&C.


Experts say deaths at construction sites are not just coincidences, but problems caused by insensitivity to safety, and fundamental safety system reforms such as more active management and establishment of a safety culture are needed.



The Ministry of Labor will investigate whether safety management officials, such as CEO Baek Jung-wan, violate the law and decide whether to implement intensive management supervision.


Meanwhile, POSCO E&C in the same construction industry has recently been intensively supervised by the Ministry of Labor due to frequent deaths. As a result, voices for reform in safety management in the construction industry are expected to grow even more.

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Ryu seungwoo 기자 invguest@itimesm.com

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