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우리은행 Woori Bank's Unfair Loan Controversy Spreads, Ethical Management Is Public-ESG

  • 등록 2024.09.04 15:15:25

Former Chairman Son Tae-seung's Unfair Loans Spread... Financial Supervisory Service Announces a Thorough Investigation
ESG general crisis such as internal control of Woori Financial Group and ethical management?
Woori Bank announces suspension of lease for housing owners... strategic measures conscious of financial authorities?



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ryu seungwoo Journalist | Recently, controversy over unfair loans by former Woori Financial Group Chairman Sohn Tae-seung has spread to all affiliates, and internal control issues of Woori Financial Group, including Woori Bank, have been on the cutting board.


The FSS said the amount of unfair loans totaled 36.7 billion won, including Woori Bank, and said it would conduct a thorough on-site inspection of all affiliates of Woori Financial Group.


Experts said the situation showed a lack of systematic internal control throughout Woori Financial Group, and argued that tough measures by financial authorities were needed.


An official from the Financial Consumer Federation said, "This situation goes against ESG principles such as ethical management, which Woori Financial Group has announced and promised every year," adding, "It is said that a board of directors has been set up to monitor internal control and compliance,


"I don't know if ethical management principles are being applied to actual management in such an accident. We need a more thorough audit and investigation," he pointed out.


In this case, it is expected to increase the voice of commercial banks and internal control systems and internal control systems.

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Ryu seungwoo 기자 invguest@itimesm.com

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