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포스코이앤씨 [Issue Column] "No Response, No Apology" — POSCO E&C CEO Jun Joong-sun... Where Is Responsible Leadership?

  • 등록 2024.09.09 11:31:30

Leadership Without Responsibility, Behind It, Tragic Losses



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Kwak Joonghee Journalist | This past August, a young man in his twenties tragically lost his life while working at an apartment construction site.

On the day of the incident, following orders, he went to work alone, but tragically returned as a lifeless body.

The only thing capturing the scene was a distant CCTV camera.

The most shocking part? For over an hour, this young man lay unattended, without any help. It later emerged that the equipment he had been handling was already known to have issues.
Soon after, the victim’s family was approached by a subcontractor representative — not with condolences, but with a “non-punishment agreement.”

The document shockingly requested that POSCO E&C and the subcontractor’s employees be exempt from any legal responsibility.
This year alone, there have been six fatal accidents at POSCO E&C construction sites.
CEO Jun Joong-sun may have promised "Safety First Management," but the reality has remained unchanged.

POSCO E&C may be a significant name in the corporate world, but the "safety" promised under that name has proven to be remarkably light.

Even at this very moment, countless workers continue to be left in harm's way.


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