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[Issue Planning] Ewha Womans University Data Breach: 80,000 Alumni Fear Secondary Damages [이슈기획_확파 DIG UP ] SNSJTV SNSTV 이화여대 해킹

  • 등록 2024.09.12 12:06:35

More Information Leaked Than Expected... Police Launch Investigation
Security Experts Warn of Potential Spam, Phishing, and Other Secondary Damages



Gwak Joonghee, Reporter at Daily Union (SNSJTV, iTimesM) | Recently, a hacking incident at Ewha Womans University has resulted in the personal data of 80,000 alumni being leaked, prompting a police investigation.


The leaked information includes sensitive personal data such as names, resident registration numbers, addresses, emails, and place of birth.


Ewha University has issued an official statement, saying they are responding proactively and that no cases of data misuse have been reported so far.


However, security experts are warning that large-scale data leaks often lead to phishing attacks or data being sold on the dark web, advising victims to remain cautious.


Under current privacy laws, fines or penalties may be imposed for failing to ensure proper security measures, but criminal charges are unlikely.


The Personal Information Protection Commission announced that it will take necessary actions following a thorough investigation.

곽중희 기자 god8889@itimesm.com

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