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[Issue Planning] N. Korea’s Waste Balloons: Bomb Threats? Public Anxiety Rises [이슈기획_확파 DIG UP ] SNSJTV SNSTV 북한 오물풍선

  • 등록 2024.09.12 13:36:57

Fire Department and Ministry of Defense Launch Probe into Detonation
Devices—Urgent Government Response Needed



Gwak Joonghee, Reporter at Daily Union (SNSJTV, iTimesM) | Recent fires in South Korea have been linked to detonation devices attached to waste balloons sent by North Korea, raising public concerns. 


At the fire sites in Gimpo and Paju, suspected detonation devices were found, prompting the Ministry of Defense and fire authorities to begin an investigation. 


Defense experts warn that these devices pose a more serious threat than mere trash, urging the government to respond forcefully to North Korea’s continued use of these balloons. 


As the potential threats from future waste balloons remain unpredictable, a more thorough and urgent response is needed to ensure public safety. 

■ 아이타임즈M 이슈보도탐사팀 제보하기
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