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[Issue Planning7] Dior Overhauls Supply Chain Amid Labor Exploitation Backlash [이슈기획_확파 DIG UP ] SNSJTV SNSTV 디올, 디올백, 디올코리아

  • 등록 2024.09.20 10:43:55

Can Dior Improve Supply Chain Under Its Inherited Governance Structure?



데일리연합 (SNSJTV. 아이타임즈M) 곽중희 기자 | The luxury brand Christian Dior has announced an overhaul of its supply chain team in response to recent labor exploitation allegations, according to Reuters.


On the 3rd, Reuters reported that Dior has recruited Benedetta Petruzzo, the former CEO of Prada’s Miu Miu, as the new managing director and head of the supply chain team.


LVMH revealed through social media that Petruzzo will oversee Dior's product and supply chain management going forward.


In June, labor exploitation was reported at one of Dior's subcontractors in Italy, prompting an investigation by Italian authorities.


As the controversy spread to LVMH investors, the group stated its intention to improve conditions under pressure from stakeholders.


However, experts have raised doubts about whether the recent personnel changes will significantly improve supply chain management or corporate transparency.


LVMH's governance, dominated by the Arnault family's inherited control, has been cited as a potential obstacle to flexible policy reforms.


As Dior's labor controversy persists, all eyes are on how LVMH, the global luxury empire, will address its supply chain issues.

곽중희 기자 god8889@itimesm.com

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