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[Issue Plannig6] GalleryK CEO Disappears Amid Fraud Allegations… M&A in Jeopardy [이슈기획_확파 DIG UP ] SNSJTV SNSTV 갤러리K, 갤러리케이

  • 등록 2024.09.20 11:08:06

CEO Kim Jung-pil disappears before M&A deal, company’s recovery unlikely


데일리연합 (SNSJTV. 아이타임즈M) 곽중희 기자 | GalleryK, an art investment platform under fraud allegations, is facing new challenges as its CEO, Kim Jung-pil, has reportedly disappeared just before the company’s merger and acquisition deal.


GalleryK was expected to finalize its acquisition by Meta Ventures after negotiations with creditors, but CEO Kim's sudden disappearance at the signing stage has stalled the process.


The emergency task force at GalleryK expressed frustration, saying Kim's absence has made the company’s recovery even more difficult.


Meanwhile, reports suggest that on the morning of the 13th, the police conducted a raid on GalleryK’s headquarters and other related facilities.


GalleryK has been embroiled in fraud allegations since June, including unpaid artist fees and unreturned investments. Further lawsuits are expected.


While the company aims to raise funds by selling its owned artworks, it seems unlikely that this will be enough to cover the damages.
GalleryK CEO Missing, Merger in Crisis

곽중희 기자 god8889@itimesm.com

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