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[Issue Plannig7] Art Tech Firm Gallery K CEO Flees Abroad... Potential Financial Fraud Victims on the Rise [이슈기획_확파 DIG UP ] SNSJTV SNSTV 갤러리K, 갤러리케이

  • 등록 2024.09.20 13:21:58

Estimated Losses in the Billions... Police Form Special Task Force for Expanded Investigation
Financial Experts Urge Accountability from Partnering Rental Companies



데일리연합 (SNSJTV. 아이타임즈M) 곽중희 기자 | The CEO of Gallery K, an art tech company currently under investigation for alleged Ponzi scheme activities, has reportedly fled the country. Kim Jung-pil, the chairman of Gallery K, has escaped abroad.


According to insiders at Gallery K, CEO Kim Jung-pil fled to the Philippines last month, just as a group lawsuit from investors was imminent.


In response, the police have intensified their investigation, conducting a raid on Gallery K's headquarters in Sinseol-dong on the 13th.


The planned merger and acquisition with Meta Ventures is now expected to fall through due to Kim's escape.


Investors and partner artists who have suffered losses are now pursuing a collective lawsuit.


So far, around 90 victims have reported their cases to the police, with the losses totaling over 5 billion won. With additional lawsuits being filed, the actual losses are estimated to exceed 100 billion won.


As the fallout from Gallery K continues to grow, some are calling for an investigation into the financial companies that collaborated with Gallery K in its art tech and rental business.


Daily Union's investigative team plans to continue probing into the companies linked with Gallery K's art tech products.

곽중희 기자 god8889@itimesm.com

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