
2025.02.17 (월)

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기상청 제공


Mom's Touch, 300 million won in fines and corrective orders[Issue_DIG UP]

Mom's Touch filed a lawsuit with the franchisee's council and controversy over the abuse of power
Mom's Touch notifies termination of franchise contract and suspends supply of goods



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ju-un Journalist | On the 31st, the FTC issued a fine of 300 million won and a correction order to Kim Dong-jeon's Mom's Touch.


Mom's Touch has been embroiled in a controversy over its power abuse, opposing the formation of a franchisee's council, terminating contracts and filing various lawsuits to exert pressure.


Mom's Touch is the No. 1 hamburger franchise market player in Korea with 1,392 franchises in 2022 based on the number of franchises.


Sixty-one franchisees sent out notices encouraging the formation of a franchisee's council to a total of 1,300 franchisees.


In response, Mom's Touch notified the termination of the franchise contract on August 3, 2021, and suspended the supply of goods because false information was recorded in the mail of franchisees.


After forming the franchisee's council, MomsTouch refused to recognize the franchisee's council and demanded a suspension of its activities.


It was revealed that Mom's Touch visited the Sangdo Station franchise, which led the formation of the franchisee's council, and pressured him to resign as chairman.








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