
2025.02.11 (화)

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  • 맑음수원 -5.5℃
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기상청 제공


Two subcontracted divers from Daewoo E&C died under water pressure at Unmun Dam [ SNSJTV]

Baek Jeongwan, CEO of Daewoo E&C, ESG Safe Management Promise That Has Been Publicly Spoiled
a series of accidents, Successive accidents reveal loopholes in construction site safety management system
Subcontractor Worker Safety, Problems of a formal management system
Repeated major disasters, controversy over poor safety management of Daewoo E&C



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ryu seungwoo Journalist | At around 7:30 a.m. on the 6th, two workers who were diving to reinforce the intake tower valve were sucked into the water and died at Unmun Dam in Cheongdo, Gyeongsangbuk-do.


As a result, another loss of life occurred at the Unmun Dam site, where a similar accident occurred three years ago, raising awareness about safety management problems at construction sites.


According to the Ministry of Labor and others, workers were reportedly sucked in by water pressure when the valve opened for an unknown cause while reinforcing the intake tower valve at a depth of 3 meters.


The accident site was constructed by Daewoo E&C, and all the dead workers belonged to subcontractors.


Police are investigating the circumstances against the public business system, and the Labour Party has launched an investigation of the accident, and the Labor Safety Act. Issue Dig Up





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