
2024.07.27 (토)

  • 구름많음동두천 28.1℃
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기상청 제공

KT Controversy Over TV and Internet Sales

Kim Young-seop, KT, controversy over multi-level sales to consumers such as the elderly
Free Charity Project Inducement of Old Speakers Replacement Project



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ju-un Journalist | Controversy is brewing over whether KT is strongly selling multi-level sales to consumers such as the elderly.


KT approached apartment residents who have been under construction for more than 30 years by replacing old speakers with the latest model under the pretext of a free charity project, and in fact, it played a trick to push for KT's TV and Internet replacement.


In order to keep the No. 1 position in the number of high-speed Internet lines, KT has been baiting the free charity project, replacing old speakers, and making residents feel sorry for it, and some analysts say that KT's masterpiece of attracting new TV and Internet users to be replaced was a door-to-door sale.


Some say that the older apartments, such as KT's construction for more than 30 years, the lower the speaker performance, so there is an opinion that they aimed for the continuous demand for replacement by apartment residents.



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