
2025.02.05 (수)

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기상청 제공


FTC of seven companies such as Fair Trade Commission, The total of 9 billion won for correcting orders and fines[IssueDIG UP]

Seven companies, including Kim Chiheon KECC decided to draw lots at restaurants in order and colluded with the bid-rigging corporation
Seven companies, including Kim Chiheon KECC, will pay 4.12 billion won in compensation to the U.S. Department of Justice for 900 million won in corrective orders and fines from the FTC



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ju-un Journalist |  The Fair Trade Commission has found seven companies, including Kim Chi-heon KECC, to be involved in the bid-rigging scandal and decided to impose a total of 929 million won in corrective orders and fines.


Seven companies, including KECC, SKD, Sungbo Construction Industry, Shin woo Construction Industry, Wooseok Construction, Ilil Engineering, and Yulim Construction, are suspected of colluding with successful bidders and bid prices in advance in a total of 23 bids for facility maintenance work ordered by the U.S. Forces Korea Far East Engineers from August 2016 to January 2019.


Allegations of collusion in a total of 23 bids for facility maintenance work ordered by the U.S. Forces Korea Far East Engineers


It has been confirmed that seven companies, including KECC, paid $3.1 million in compensation to the U.S. Department of Justice as compensation for the collusion.




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