
2024.12.22 (일)

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기상청 제공

Moon Hyuk-soo LG Innotek, Gumi Plant Controversy over Posting → Owner's risk? [IssueDIG UP]

Lawsuits filed for unfair control of labor union activities of LG Innotek ↔ Recruiting a large law firm as an agent to save the LG Innotek the labor-management team



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ju-un Journalist | Police launched an investigation after it was found that an employee of the labor-management team at LG Innotek's Gumi plant was a trick impersonating a contract worker on site, and sent anonymous letters pointing out labor union officials' poor attendance by mail to LG Innotek's Gumi plant chairman, personnel management team leader, and production officials.


It was reported on February 2, 2024 that the LG Innotek labor union filed a lawsuit against an employee of the labor management team, regarding the act of impersonating a contract worker as an unfair control intervention in union activities.


According to the LG Innotek Labor Union, a mail letter from a sender named an on-site contract worker who works in the optics division was delivered to officials at LG Innotek's Gumi plant in November 2023.


The postal transaction was said that the union part of the union intervention, and it is said that it is necessary to identify the fact that it is necessary to identify the truth." I’ve told you from Issue Dig Up





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