
2024.07.26 (금)

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기상청 제공

Doosan Enerbility (Chairman Park Jiwon) imposes record fine of KRW 16.1 billion for 'false accounting fraud'[IssueDIG UP]

Accounting violations ease investor anxiety with strict response from financial authorities
Doosan Enerbility, Three-year sanctions on the designation of auditors due to accounting fraud



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ju-un Journalist |  Financial authorities have imposed record fines on Doosan Enerbility.


At a meeting of the Financial Services Commission held on the 20th, it decided to impose a fine of 16.141.5 billion won on Doosan Enerbility for committing "gross negligence accounting fraud.“


Penalties were also imposed on the previous CEO and Samjeong Accounting Corporation by KRW 1.011.7 billion and KRW 1.438.5 billion, respectively.


As a result, Doosan Enerbility set a record for collecting the largest amount of fines ever, exceeding the 13 billion won imposed on Celltrion in 2022.


Financial authorities believe Doosan Enerbility intentionally omitted losses from rising costs in connection with the construction of a thermal power plant ordered in India in 2016. 



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