
2024.07.27 (토)

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기상청 제공

FTC, Reinforcement of RSU disclosure…There are also voices of concern over corporate burden [IssueDIG UP]

Transparency is expected to increase due to the expansion of the obligation to disclose conditional shares subject to transfer restrictions by the family members of large corporations
FKI, Raising concerns over the revision of the disclosure manual



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ju-un Journalist | On the 16th, the FTC announced that it had revised the disclosure manual to add the contents of stock payment transaction agreements such as RSU to the current status disclosure items of business groups.


The revision is expected to allow market participants to more clearly grasp the possibility of changes in the stake of the owner's family.


As the details of the stock payment transaction agreement, including RSU, are newly added to the disclosure items of the status of securities transactions to related persons,


Business groups must disclose the date of grant, contract type, stock type, quantity, and other major agreements once a year.


The move is based on criticism that the stock payment transaction agreement can be used as a means of expanding the stake of the owner's family.


FKI, Claims that the RSU disclosure overlaps with the existing one by the FSS and burdens companies


The FTC plans to explain the changed disclosure form and preparation method through the disclosure briefing session so that companies belonging to the corporate group subject to disclosure can fulfill their disclosure obligations well.




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