
2024.10.18 (금)

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기상청 제공

Another worker died a week after the Geoje shipyard explosion... ESG responsibility management [ SNSTV, SNSJTV ]

It's hiding during the 60s representative treatment.Two Chinese boxes are not good
Lack of safety management and the importance of the owner's responsible ESG management are highlighted



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ryu seungwoo Journalist | At around 9:11 a.m. on the 27th,

an explosion occurred in the engine room of a 4,500-ton repair ship barge at a shipyard in Seongpori,

Sadeung-myeon, Geoje, causing the ship to be engulfed in fire.


Eleven workers suffered serious and minor injuries in the accident.


The worker who died in the accident turned out to be a representative of a subcontractor in his 60s who was leading the field work.


He died on the 3rd while being taken to a hospital for treatment on the day of the explosion.


This brings the death toll from the accident to two, and the condition of the two workers with heavy wounds is said to be still serious.


Through this accident, the lack of safety management in the shipyard and the importance of the owner's ESG responsible management are once again highlighted.


In the business owner of the business owner, the Joseon Center decided to identify whether the violation of

industrial safety and serious disasters, including thorough investigation of the accident and serious disasters.

/seoul = Ryu seungwoo Journalist.  invguest@itimesm.com







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