
2024.07.05 (금)

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기상청 제공

INC Technology , Corrective order for violation of subcontracting law

FTC , Corrective order to prevent unreasonable demand for technical data in subcontracting transactions
INC Technology imposes FTC sanctions for violating procedures for requesting technical data



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ryu seungwoo Journalist | INC Technology, an information and communication device manufacturer, has received a corrective order from the FTC for violating subcontracting laws.


In 2019, the FTC requested the contractor to manufacture communication equipment parts required for KEPCO's electricity meter system,

We found out that we requested technical data without justifiable reasons.


The FTC said it issued the corrective order to prevent the original operator from asking the supplier for technical data without justifiable reasons in subcontracting transactions.


This action prevents similar violations of the law, It is expected to contribute to establishing a fair subcontracting order.


The FTC plans to continue to strengthen monitoring and sanctions against violations of the law.


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