
2025.02.11 (화)

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기상청 제공


의료 파업 Doctor strikes, 'firestorms' in the nursing industry... 'Shaking' the front of the medical ecosystem ( 서울대병원, 서울대학교병원)

Doctor strike slashes cases, reduces carer jobs
Concerns over an increase in nursing expenses due to the influx of external nursing companies
Labor union emphasizes "patient life and safety over competition in the nursing industry"
A medical wave that shakes the medical ecosystem...
The KCTU said, "The government, the medical association, and the nature of medical care should be considered."



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ryu seungwoo Journalist | On April 29, a protest was held in front of Seoul National University Hospital, where caregivers who were struggling with reduced work and breaking the agreement were held.


The main reason why caregivers who have to protect patients in the hospital room have taken to the streets is their livelihood. The situation in which the doctors' strike gave them work drove them to crisis.


As the number of patients decreases, work has naturally decreased and it is causing a vicious cycle that leads to difficulties in living.


In particular, in the case of caregivers at Seoul National University Hospital, the agreement signed with the hospital, which is the minimum safety device, has been destroyed, making it worse.


The problem that caregivers are talking about is not just about living. Increasing the burden on patients was also cited as a problem. There were also voices concerned that the quality of care services would decline.


■ 아이타임즈M 이슈보도탐사팀 제보하기

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