
2024.05.14 (화)

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기상청 제공


Kim Seung-yeon Hanwha Group's Hanwha Total Energy's fine of 8 million won for sexual harassment of employees..."Final judgment, re-decision of disciplinary action level" Why?

Controversy over Hanwha Total Energy's sexual harassment case
Despite the conviction, he was suspended for only three months



1) ‘Hanwha TotalEnergies Petrochemical’ Sexual Harassment Case Controversy

Hello, I’m announcer Adam from ‘Issue Dig Up’. Today, we're discussing a contentious issue within ‘Hanwha TotalEnergies Petrochemical’. A sexual harassment case has become a subject of intense debate."


2) Team Leader A, working at ‘Hanwha TotalEnergies Petrochemical’, was found guilty and fined 8 million won for sexually harassing a subordinate, Employee B.

On August 10th, the first instance court delivered a guilty verdict against Team Leader A of Hanwha TotalEnergies for sexually harassing a subordinate, Employee B. The court imposed a fine of 8 million won.


3) Despite the guilty verdict, the punishment was limited to a three-month suspension.

‘Hanwha TotalEnergies Petrochemical’ responded by merely suspending the perpetrator, Team Leader A, for three months. The company stated that any further disciplinary action would be decided after the final verdict. This decision has been met with criticism from Employee B and others, who argue that the level of disciplinary action is far too lenient.


4) Controversy arises over the low level of disciplinary action, sidelining employee protection.

While Hanwha TotalEnergies claims efforts have been made to separate the perpetrator and the victim, Employee B has expressed deep disappointment with the company’s response to the incident.


5) Attention is focused on how the issue of sexual harassment will be addressed under the ESG management initiative.

This case brings to light the issues faced by corporations in the era of ESG management, particularly regarding employee protection, raising critical questions about the corporate values and trustworthiness of Hanwha TotalEnergies. We will continue to provide detailed coverage on this developing story. I’ve told you from ‘Issue Dig Up’.





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