
2024.04.28 (일)

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기상청 제공


[Issue_DIG UP)] KT Kim Young-seop 'doesn't know' about 5G service speed unfair advertising and consumer customer information leakage

KT caused personal information leakage damage to 18.54 million people
Fair Trade Commission(FTC) imposes penalty of 13.93 billion won on KT and corrective order



Daily Union (Monthly, Korea News Newspaper) Ju-un Journalist | On August 18, 2023, the FTC imposed a total fine of 13.93 billion won and a corrective order by holding KT responsible for violating the Display Advertising Act by unfairly advertising the speed of its 5G service.


Fair Trade Commission holds KT responsible for violating the Display Advertising Act for unfair advertising of 5G service speed

Penalties of 13.93 billion won and corrective orders are imposed


Although KT caused damage to the leakage of personal information to 18.54 million people, it was found to be zero liability for damages.


As a result, there are controversies and complaints about whether KT has an active will to protect personal information.


The Citizens' Conference on Consumer Sovereignty said on Nov. 28 that it has caused consumer damage by leaking at least 18.54 million personal information three times over the past decade, in 2012, 2014 and 2016.


KT, which has filed a lawsuit against victims in connection with the leakage of personal information without acknowledging civil liability for damages, has established "sustainable development, ESG management practice, and global leadership" as its core values for the future,


I hope you recognize that the triviality of not fulfilling a company's social responsibilities spreads to the risk of the CEO and continuously hinders the development of the company.



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영덕군 축산항, '개항 100주년 기념식' 개최

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